Kotabaru, S Kalimantan (ANTARA) - The Kotabaru Family Welfare Movement (PKK) came to visit underprivileged citizens who suffer from hydrocephalus, a condition of fluid buildup in the brain that causes increased pressure or simply known as “water in the brain.”
Chairwoman of the Kotabaru PKK Hj Fatma Idiana and members, also acting head of Health Agency and acting head of Social Agency, met Ayatul Husna, a 10-year-old child, at Km 1 Gg.Taruna Kotabaru.
The second child of five siblings who is now raised by her aunt, because her parents work in East Kalimantan, suffered hydrocephalus since the age of 7 months.
Hj Idiana and the entourage saw first hand the condition of Husna who was lying weak, causing compassion to see it.
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While the second visit was to Bima Sena, a 4-year-old child in Tambak 2 Ujung Kotabaru, also suffered hydrocephalus since he was 5 months old.
To the two residents they visited, Hj Fatma Idiana and entourage provided assistance in the form of food, diapers, and cash.
Hj Fatma hoped the two-child can grow up healthy again and can live a bright life and future as most children do.
Hydrocephalus is a disease that often occurs in children from under 1-year-old. The disease is caused by abnormalities in the nervous system and infections that cause inflammation of the brain.
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