Banjarmasin, S Kalimantan (ANTARA) - Head of the South Kalimantan Office of the Religious Affairs Ministry (Kemenag) H Noor Fahmi said, his office is colaborating with the Antasari State Islamic University's Faculty of Da'wah and Communication Studies (FDIK) to hold a Hajj manasik guide cetification in April.
"Registration to be opened on March 1 to 31 at the Secretariat of Da'wah Management Department of the Da'wah Faculty of the UIN Antasari Banjarmasin," he said here, Sunday (Feb 23, 2020).
Cerification for hajj rehearsal (manasik) guide or advisor has became a standard of cooperation between the Directorate General of Hajj and Umrah of the Religious Affairs Ministry with the UIN throughout Indonesia.
"Through the certification of hajj manasik advisor it is expected they will be more qualified," Noor Fahmi said and called this as innovation for more optimal pilgrimage service this year, especially in the guidance of hajj before departure.
Although the guidance is an important part in the implementation of hajj and umrah, but he acknowledged, many supervisors or guide did not yet have certificates from the relevant institutions.
"Therefore, I suggest the hajj advisors to immediately register themselves with FDKI UIN Antasari to get certification," he said.
This year as many as 3.831 prospective hajj, including officers, to depart for hajj worship.