By Syamsuddin Hasan
Banjarmasin, South Kalimantan ( Antaranews ) - The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) also expects the exact status for Larilarian Island.
Expectations of the Ministry disclosed to the Special Committee (Pansus) of Optimization of Natural Resources for
Larilarian Island, South Kalimantan DPRD, said Deputy Chairman of the Legislative Assembly Haji Riswandi here on Thursday.
"The Special Committee visit on Oct. 30 was received by Head of Law Dept. of the Directorate General of Oil and Gas (Ditjen Migas) of the ESDM Ghufron Asrofi," he said upon his arrival from a working visit to Jakarta.
Expectations about the exact status of Larilarian associated with the plan to result in the exploitation of oil and gas
offshore island which is near the border between South Kalimantan and West Sulawesi. Therefore, the Ditjen Migas will also encourage the Ministry of Home Affairs to issue a decision on the status of the Larilarian Island.
"Actually, the issue Larilarian Island 's status certainty for the Ministry of Energy does not really matter whether it
is in South Kalimantan region or West Sulawesi. Due to the revenue sharing has provision for the ESDM," he said.
However, Riswandi said, the Ministry of ESDM seems to seat the issue of Larilarian Island professionally and
Separately, Chairman of the Larilarian Island Special Committee Volume II H. Mansyah Sabri stated that Larilarian
status should not be a problem anymore. "The decision of the Supreme Court ( MA ) No. 1 of 2012 canceled the Regulation of the Minister of the Interior (Permendagri) No. 43 of 2011, " he said.
Permendagri No.43/2011 sets Lereklerekan Island entered Majene district, West Sulawesi, so that the provincial government considered the island near the Makassar Strait is in its region. While based on a map of the earth, the position is similar to the Larilarian Island.
"Similarly, when the expansion of South Sulawesi, the local provincial government had never claimed the island as Lereklerekan . However, West Sulawesi government which is the expansion of South Sulawesi have felt Lereklerekan Island its own," said Sabri Mansyah.