Pelaihari, S Kalimantan (ANTARA) - Tanah Laut Regent H Sukamta reviewed two small medium enterprises (UKM) galleries, Tiga Srikandi and PT Arutmin Indonesia Site Kintap and PT Pamapersada Nusantara in the Sungai Cuka Village, Kintap Sub-district, Saturday (10/8).
H Sukamta appreciated the company's efforts in fostering and providing full support for the development of SMEs in the Sub-district of Kintap.
"The company's efforts are very appreciated because a program like this is very empowering for the community and allows local people to develop their products, so they can be marketed well," he said.
Sukamta added, everyone has their own business instincts and of course supporting facilities are needed.
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"The PT Arutmin Indonesia and PT Pama Persada Nusantara programs are one of the supporting facilities for business development for the community," he explained.
At present, he explained, the Tanah Laut District Government is focusing on encouraging the development of SMEs.
"Yesterday there was already the Tanah Laut special sasirangan that was processed by our SMEs which was sold in Malaysia. I want other products to also follow like that," he hoped.