Banjarmasin, S Kalimantan (ANTARA) - Banjarmasin - Five hajj prospective from South Kalimantan undergo treatment due to illness while in the Holy City of Mecca, Saudi Arabia.
"We have received a report that there are five pilgrims from our region who must be referred to health facilities in the city of Mecca, but the conditions are not so worrying," Head of the South Kalimantan Office of Ministry of Religious Affairs (Kanwil Kemenag) H Noor Fahmi said in Banjarmasin on Wednesday.
He elaborated, the haji candidate Muhammad Hadi (56) from flight group (keloter) 3 underwent treatment at An-Nur Hospital because of anemia and Nasrani Saleh (61) from the flight group 5 was treated at the Indonesian Hajj Health Clinic (KKHI) in Mecca due to shortness of breath.
The other three who underwent treatment at the KKHI Mecca, namely Muri Saputra Muhammad (76) from keloter 6 experienced a decrease in blood sugar levels, Aisyah Basuni (53) from keloter 9 who had dyspepsia, and M Salman (78) from keloter 12 who experienced shortness of breath.
Noor Fahmi explained that 15 pilgrims from the Banjarmasin Embarkation had departed to the Holy Land. All are in Mecca.
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Now, according to him, the remaining four flight groups will depart, three flight group from South Kalimantan and one from Central Kalimantan.
This year the Banjarmasin Embarkation dispatched 19 Hajj pilgrims consisting of 13 groups from South Kalimantan and six groups from Central Kalimantan.
The pilgrims from Banjarmasin Embarkation occupies lodgings in the Rei Bakhsy area, about two kilometers from the Masjidil Haram in Mecca.