Kotabaru, S Kalimantan (ANTARA) - As many as 46 pilgrims from the Kotabaru Regency, South Kalimantan, began to undergo second stage health tests at the community health center (puskesmas) and the Pangeran Jaya Sumitra Hospital (RS-PJS) Kotabaru.
"181 pilgrims were divided into three groups to undergo a second phase medical test, to last March 25-31," Head of the Health Agency H Akhmad Rivai said in Kotabaru on Monday.
Health tests for the first group on Monday and Tuesday, groups two Tuesday and Wednesday, and groups three Wednesday and Thursday.
The first day of the health test included a complete blood chemistry test, followed by an electrocardiogram (EKG) for candidates aged 40 years and over carried out at the Puskesmas Kotabaru. The aim was to record the heart's electrical activity in a certain time.
Hajj candidates then underwent x-rays at Pangeran Jaya Sumitra Hospital.
The second day was to read the results of a blood chemistry check from the lab in the community health center and x-rays from the hospital. If the hajj candidate is identified as having a disease or another, the doctor gives a prescription or treatment before departure, to be normal again when the pilgrimage is scheduled for early July
The head of the agency urged pilgrims to be orderly and obedient to the doctor's advice, and from now on they should get used to a healthy lifestyle and exercise regularly.
"Isthito'ah or healthy Hajj candidates can pay off the Hajj Management Cost (BPIH)," he explained.