Kotabaru, (Antaranews, South Kalimantan) - National Land Agency, Kotabaru Regency, South Kalimantan, distributed about 140 certificates to citizens Serongga, Kelumpang Downstream, Kotabaru freely.
Serongga village chief, Anwar Said, in Kotabaru, Friday, said a number of residents have been certified free without paying a penny. "Serongga Villagers can now enjoy full rights of ownership over their yard," he said.
Community feeling calmer than before, because they control their yards already have evidence in the form of a certificate.
Certificate, said the chief, is very important and necessary for the community, so that children and their descendants later have a handle legality of the land under their control.
"Often we hear, the kids fight the problem of land and property grounds, because his parents did not have a certificate. If you already have a certificate, land ownership can be accounted for,†he said.
Land Certificates for Free
Sabtu, 30 Maret 2013 12:39 WIB