The Kotabaru Police's Water and Air Unit (Satpolairud) is implementing the "Speed Pintar" of smart speed program to help coastal children learn in the hardship of the COVID-19 pandemic.
"Speed Pintar (is implemented by) traveling to residential areas on the coasts to invite children to learn," said Kotabaru Police Chief Adj Sr Comr (AKBP) Andi Adnan Syafruddin in Kotabaru, Tuesday.
He said that the Satpolairud personnel give lessons to children and provides a number of books of various knowledge for them to read.
"They can learn at the port or we take the children to board the 'Speed Pintar' patrol boat, which contains many books," said Andi.
As a form of their care about the education of coastal children, Kotabaru Satpolairud also fully supports the "Rampa Learning House" which was established by the local residents.
The police contributed by providing free internet facilities and renovating the study room in Rampa to make it better with the hope the children's interest would increase.
"The Rampa Learning House was initiated by Wahyuningsih, a local resident who cares about children's education. We really appreciated it, so we help in what are needed in the learning process, such an internet networks, books, including renovating the study room to make it more comfortable," he said.
Rampa in a village in Pulau Laut Utara Sub-district. The densely populated coastal village is part of the capital of Kotabaru Regency.
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COPYRIGHT © ANTARA News Kalimantan Selatan 2020
"Speed Pintar (is implemented by) traveling to residential areas on the coasts to invite children to learn," said Kotabaru Police Chief Adj Sr Comr (AKBP) Andi Adnan Syafruddin in Kotabaru, Tuesday.
He said that the Satpolairud personnel give lessons to children and provides a number of books of various knowledge for them to read.
"They can learn at the port or we take the children to board the 'Speed Pintar' patrol boat, which contains many books," said Andi.
As a form of their care about the education of coastal children, Kotabaru Satpolairud also fully supports the "Rampa Learning House" which was established by the local residents.
The police contributed by providing free internet facilities and renovating the study room in Rampa to make it better with the hope the children's interest would increase.
"The Rampa Learning House was initiated by Wahyuningsih, a local resident who cares about children's education. We really appreciated it, so we help in what are needed in the learning process, such an internet networks, books, including renovating the study room to make it more comfortable," he said.
Rampa in a village in Pulau Laut Utara Sub-district. The densely populated coastal village is part of the capital of Kotabaru Regency.
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COPYRIGHT © ANTARA News Kalimantan Selatan 2020