Banjarmasin, S Kalimantan (Antaranews Kalsel) - Banjarbaru City Police sent humanitarian aid to victims of the earthquake and tsunami to Palu and Donggala, Central Sulawesi.
"Alhamdulillah (Thank God), the collected aid was loaded into a truck that later sends to Central Sulawesi," said the Banjarbaru Police Chief Adj Sr Comr (AKBP) Kelana Jaya, Tuesday.
He thanked all the police members who took care of contributing, including to the general public who also gave their assistance a lot through the Banjarbaru City Police.
"Assistance is collected in the form of basic materials which are certainly needed by our brothers in Central Sulawesi," Kelana explained to Antara News Agency.
The rapid action and response of Banjarbaru City Police in gathering assistance is in accordance with the expectations of the South Kalimantan Regional Police Chief Inspector General Yazid Fanani who asked all levels of staff to raise aid for earthquake victims in Palu and Donggala.
The two-star general appealed to all ranks in both the Polda (regional police) and Polres (sector police) to immediately gather aid both from internal donations from members and the general public.
This is a form of empathy for the victims of the earthquake and tsunami in Central Sulawesi who are currently in dire need of assistance.
"The assistance can be in any form ranging from food, clothing, blankets and so on that are useful for victims in refugee camps. In fact, it can also be in the form of cash that we will send through the Central Sulawesi Regional Police," said the Regional Police Chief.