Martapura, S Kalimantan (Antaranews Kalsel) - Tens of students from a pesantren (santri) in Banjar District, South Kalimantan, are suspected of having measles and rubella. The certainty of disease awaits laboratory results, a health official said.
"We are still waiting for the results of laboratory tests on 53 students suspected of having measles or rubella," said the Head of the Banjar Health Agency Ikhwansyah in Martapura on Tuesday.
He said laboratory tests are very necessary to find out whether the diseases suffered by dozens of santri are only ordinary measles or morbilli or rubella which is highly contagious.
The agency has taken 17 blood samples and urine samples to ascertain the type of virus so that the patients can be treated according to the disease.
"If the laboratory results already exist, it can be ascertained that the diseases suffered by dozens of students. So that steps can be taken to handle them," he said.
So far, the actions were taken against the students they were given vitamin A, so it could increase the body's resistance to the disease.
The health agency has also given them masks, so as not to transmit the disease which is very easily transmitted through the air and saliva.
Cases of measles and rubella which are thought to have attacked the students made the health agency aggressively socialize the importance of immunization to avoid the disease.
He said all age groups would be given vaccinations ranging from 9 months to 15 years old either through puskesmas (community health service) or schools and Islamic boarding schools in turn.
"At present, the achievement of immunization in Banjar is still low compared to other districts in South Kalimantan, namely 16 percent so it must be increased through socialization efforts," he said.