Kotabaru, South Kalimantan (ANTARA) - The Regent of Kotabaru, South Kalimantan, H Sayed Jafar inaugurated five tourist destinations, including Mamake and Bapake SJA Hills, Saijaan Paragliding and Hang Gliding Landing Area, and SJA Tbk Gedambaan Circuit to encourage domestic and foreign tourists visit.
"The inauguration of Saijaan for flying place for Hang Gliding athletes and SJA Tbk circuit on Gedambaan beach, which is to be a prestigious racing area, is a real effort to support the development of extreme sports and nature-based tourism," he said during the inauguration at Mamake Hill, as reported on Monday.
"I hope these facilities will make a significant contribution to the development of the local economy, and to attract domestic and foreign tourists," he said.
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The Mamake Hill inauguration as a nature tourist destination is expected to make Kotabaru better known to the world and provides a major contribution to push the regional economic growth.
"For this reason, I invite all levels of society to take part in maintaining and making the best use of this facility," he pointed out.
Head of Tourism, Youth and Sport Office Sony Halumuan told that Mamake SJA Hill was still in the form of bushes and weeds, like innocent village flowers did not know how to preen, but have become a proud tourist spot for Kotabaru, especially for the residents of Sarang Tiung Village and Tirawan Village.
The protected forest area is managed by HKM Mutiara Sarang Tiung groups of farmers (Gapoktan) based on the Decree of Environment and Forestry Miniter dated 26 October 2017.
Since 2018, the Tourism Office collborated with PUPR Office, PT Arutmin NPLCT and HKM Mutiara Sarang Tiung Gapoktan to begin infrastructure development with Bappeda and Pulau Laut Sebuku Forest Management Unit (KPH). They always coordinated with the South Kalimantan Forestry Office and the South Kalimantan Social Forestry and Environmental Partnership Center (BPSKL).
"The construction includes a viewing bridge, gazebo, prayer room and canteen," he said.
In 2023 it was continued with the construction of stages, counters, and installation of electronic entrances. Then, in 2024 the gate, landscape garden, and decorative lighting were built.
"In June 2024, Mamake SJA Hill became the venue for the International Paragliding Accuracy (IPAC) series 3 with participants from abroad and domestic," he said.
"Furthermore, 13 local students, kotabaru residents, have obtained Paragliding License 1 (PL 1) or beginner's license for paragliding pilot," he said.
Meanwhile, Gedambaan circuit has the achievement of holding Hayau Barait I to 10 events. Internasional racers recognized and admired the trail track designed by the Regent of Kotabaru H. Sayed Jafar.
The inauguration was also attended by speaker of DPRD Kotabaru, Forkopimda, acting Regional Secretary, Chairwoman of TP-PKK, SKPD, East Kalimantan tourists and 13 paragliding-gliding studens.
Read also: Kotabaru Regent closes Trail Game Hayau Barait 5
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