Banjarmasin, S Kalimatan (ANTARA) - The University of Lambung Mangkurat (ULM) is getting ready to send its students to teach children of Indonesian migrant workers in Malaysia in a humanitarian program jointly initiated by the Council of Rectors of Indonesian State Universities (MRPTNI) and INTI International University Malaysia.
"This collaboration is facilitated by the Indonesian Embassy (KBRI) Kuala Lumpur and to be carried out sooner this year," said Rector of ULM Prof Ahmad Alim Bachri here on Thursday.
ULM is now selecting its students who are interested in joining the international program.
Alim hopes that the selected students berharap will truly have competence as well as integrity and high dedication considering the activities carried out are humanitarian program.
"Of course this is a valuable opportunity as part of internationalization of the Freedom in Learning and Campus or Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka (MBKM) program," he expounded.
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MRPTNI, as is known, sends teachers assistance to Indonesian schools (CLC) in Malaysia.
In total there are 16 state universities (PTN), including ULM, that are embraced by MRPTNI to make this international cooperation program successful.
Community Learning Center (CLC) is a cener for learning activities for Indonesian community, which was formed on the basis of local community initiative, especially oil palm plantation companies and local communities in Sabah-Sarawak and is supported and fostered by the government of Indonesia.
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