Banjarmasin, S Kalimatan (ANTARA) - The Banjarmasin City Government has alerted health workers, ready for a quick response, to respond the hot weather that occurred in the past few days.
Mayor H Ibnu Sina here on Wednesday said that he has instructed health workers to be vigilant, especially health service facilities, such as community health centers (puskesmas) and hospitals, so they can respond quickly.
"This is our anticipation, so people can quickly get health service," he said.
The hot weather that has occurred in the last few days ranging from 31-36 degrees, he said, is feared to affect health of residents, so everyonew must be vigilant in anticipation.
"If there is an emergency, we are all ready," he pointed out.
Ibnu Sina also hopes that the public will take care of their health in this extreme condition and follow the advice of health workers.
Head of the City Health Office M Ramadhan appealed to the public to avoid activities outside without shelter such as umbrella during the day with hot weather.
He suggested people to drink more water, besides putting on brightly colored clothes so they don't absorb sunlight.
"Drink lots of water to avoid dehydration," said Ramadhan.
He also suggested people to use personal protection such as hats, sunglasses, and umbrella when doing activities outside home from 11.00 to 15.00 WITA (Central Indonesia Time).
"And of course maintain the condition of the body such as taking vitamin and have adequate rest," he said.
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