Banjarmasin, S Kalimatan (ANTARA) - The City Government of Banjarmasin has set to green the city on the commemoration of the 2022 Earth Day, April 22, 2022.
A meeting to prepare the commemoration was organized by the city's Environment Agency (BLHD) on Wednesday and attended by members and actuators of environmental communities.
The meeting that was led by Naniek from BLHD agreed the action will be centered in Pulau Insan, Jafri Zamzam Street, West Banjarmasin, by planting rambai padi (Baccaurea motleyana) for river area and tabebuia (or roble and sometimes called trumpet trees) on the land.
Local specialties plants such as ramania, kasturi, and ironwood will also be planted and the BLHD to ready thousands of seedlings for the purpose of reforestation.
In addition to Pulau Insan, simultaneous planting will also be held in 30 locations to be carried out by the Maharagu Sungai (caring the river) environmental activists.
They will plant bamboo and rambai padi, two types of plants to beautify the river as well as a river fence to resist abration.
Besides BLHD officials, the meeting was attended by Mohammad Ary from Forum Komunitas Hijau (FKH), Akhmad Arifin from Masyarakat Peduli Sungai (Melingai), and Uncle Anum from Perkumpulan Hijau Daun (PHD) Banjarmasin.
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