Banjarmasin, S Kalimantan (ANTARA) - The Regional Police of South Kalimantan deployed two companies of Mobile Brigade (Brimob) and Directorate of Samapta to stem forest and land fires in the province.
"Smoke from burning land has begun to appear at several points, and our personnel is ready to extinguish the fire in the field, one Brimob company, and one Samapta company," said Chief Operation of the province police Sr Comr (Kombes) Moch. Noor Subchan here on Tuesday.
It was detected, he admitted, only reed or grass that was burned, not plantation or agricultural land.
However, Subchan assured that members in the field remained alert because even the slightest fire must be put out immediately so as not to spread.
The forest and land fire tackling operation is under the control of the South Kalimantan Disaster Mitigation Agency (BPBD).
The regional police established command posts at several points that are prone to fire, especially to guard the area around the airport in Banjarbaru to prevent the smog from interfering with the flights.
"Other areas are the responsibility of the local sector police along with other joint officers both the local government and TNI," he said.
This year's prevention and control of forest and land fires prioritize the use of information technology, namely the digital forest and land fire control system (Asap Digital) apps, and Lancang Kuning according to the direction of the National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo.
The South Kalimantan Police itself has the Combat Forest and Land Fire (Bekantan) apps.