Banjarmasin, S Kalimantan (ANTARA) - Mayor H Ibnu Sina announced the extension of level 4 public activity restriction (PPKM) in the city to August 8, 2021.
The first phase of level 4 PPKM from July 26 to August 2 is extended, he said, after the COVID-19 Task Force meeting with the element of the regional leadership and after receiving input from the medical expert of Lambung Mangkurat University (ULM) Banjarmasin.
"Also the results of the evaluation of the implementation of PPKM level 4 within a week. Indeed, we have done a lot for health protocols, but the transmission of COVID-19 is still high, so we agreed to extend it until August 8," he said at the City Hall, Monday.
The extension of level 4 PPKM, he pointed out, is to discipline 3T, namely early testing, tracing, and treatment. "Tracing will be maximized, even though the neighborhood units (RT) in the red zone are only 15," said Ibnu Sina.
He asked for the support of all parties, including community leaders and religious leaders. That day, he also invited the local Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI).
"We remind residents to remain disciplined about health protocols, both in markets and other places that have the potential for crowds," he said.
Ibnu Sina also announced that maximum supervision will be activated at the entrance posts.
He asked MUI to make sermon material that reminding the public to always be aware of the increasing high spread of COVID-19.
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