Banjarmasin, S Kalimantan (ANTARA) - Banjarmasin Mayor H Ibnu Sina stated that the implementation of level 4 community activity restriction (PPKM) continued into the fourth week until August 23, 2021.
He said the results of the evaluation meeting on the implementation of the level 4 restriction in the third week which was ended on Monday (16/8) was that COVID-19 cases in the city remained high, the restriction was then decided to be continued for one more week.
"The fact is the number of COVID-19 cases in our city is still above 100, meaning it is still at level 4," he said in Banjarmasin, Monday.
According to him, of three criteria for determining PPKM level 4, the first is the number of additional COVID-19 cases reached 150, while the second was the accumulated of weekly additional cases of 106 cases.
"Only the third criteria, namely the bed occupancy rate (BOR) of COVID-19 patients in the hospital was very low, even to level 2," he said.
Ibnu Sina acknowledged that COVID-19 cases in Banjarmasin City had actually decreased, but not significantly.
"Hopefully the PPKM level 4 in the fourth week until August 23 will decrease even more so that the restriction can end," he said.
Ibnu Sina asked the public to continue to be disciplined to apply health protocols, as well as comply with PPKM level 4 rules.
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