Banjarbaru, S Kalimantan (ANTARA) - ULM through the Faculty of Medicine actively provides training in the handling of COVID-19 positive bodies. (ANTARAKALSEL/Firman)
The Lambung Mangkurat University (ULM) through the Faculty of Medicine actively provides training in the handling of COVID-19 positive bodies.
Together with the Forensic Medicine Team and Medicolegal of Ulin Regional Hospital Banjarmasin, the ULM medicine academics conducted serial dessimination and training in several hospitals and health services.
"The latest we held a training at the South Kalimantan Regional Police (Polda Kalsel) in collaboration with the Health and Medicine Dept (Bid Dokkes) to provide COVID-19 body handling for members of National Police," said Deputy Dean of Academic Affairs ULM's Faculty of Medicine dr. H. Iwan Aflanie, M.Kes, Sp.
With this training, Iwan said, it is expected that all COVID-19 referred hospitals in South Kalimantan were ready not only to treat patients, but also to handle coronavirus positive bodies.
ULM was indeed involved in various aspects of the handling COVID-19 pandemic. Not only in the medical field, but ULM acamics are active in the field of psychology, communication, and education as well as several other supporting fields.