Banjarmasin, S Kalimantan (ANTARA) - The Governor of South Kalimantan Sahbirin Noor was received by President Joko Widodo at the veranda of the State Palace, Jakarta, Thursday (Nov 14, 2019) to discuss various development programs of the region, including the plan to inaugurate Syamsuddin Noor Airport.
Governor, after meeting the President, said the meeting was quite relaxed and full of intimacy.
Uncle Birin, the popular nickname of the governor, who was wearing a long-sleeved sasirangan, the typical batik of South Kalimantan, and a black cap, said he really enjoyed the casual conversation with President Jokowi.
"When talking with the President, I conveyed the desire of the people of South Kalimantan that the President come and inaugurate the Syamsudin Noor International Airport expansion project," he remarked.
Alhamdulillah, he continued, the desire received a positive response from the President who said Insya Allah (God Willing) he would come again to South Kalimantan.
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In addition to the airport anauguration, he also conveyed the national agenda to be held in South Kalimatan, namely the 2019 National Solidarity Day (HKSN).
"Coincidentally, from the existing schedule, the inauguration of the Syamsudin Noor Airport and the implementation of HKSN could be put together," he pointed out.
The governor was optimistic that President Jokowi and the First Lady will attend the national event. "This is because he is concerned with the infrastructure development and highly appreciates the spirit of social care that is raised from the HKSN commemoration," he said.
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Previously, on each occasion, the governor had also conveyed the development of the airport construction to the President. He also spoke about the positive impact of the existance of the airport through official forums with the related ministries.
Related to the quite large support of the provincial government to the airport expansion project, Head of South Kalimantan Transportation Agency Rusdiansyah mentioned about some facilities built by the provincial government, some of which are the access road to the airport and the provision of safety facilities to the new terminal.
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"Governor paid a great attention to the safety of the people when passing through the airport terminal. So supporting facilities were then provided," Rusdiansyah said.