Kandangan, S Kalimantan (ANTARA) - PT Subur Agro Makmur (SAM)'s Emergency Response Preparedness Team (TKTD), tens of fire bridages, TNI (military) and Polri (police) finally put out the fire that almost raze the state Islamic junior high school MTsN Babussalam in Baru Village, Daha Barat Sub-district, South Hulu Sungai (HSS).
TKTKD chief Iwan in Bajayau, Tuesday (9/24), said the fire had actually approached the school building and a gas station since 3.45 p.m. and only at 10.15 p.m. it had been put out.
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The condition of land around the school building were peatland with dry grass and flammable undeniably triggered the fire and almost took up the school, but the stage form of the building made the fire finally put out.
"We're grateful fire brigades, TNI, Polri, event government employees still wearing uniform help us to tame the fire until it did not devour the school building and gas station. Both now have been safe from the threat of land and forest fire," he remarked.
Meanwhile, almost all fire brigade in Daha, which consist of three sub-districts, Daha Selatan, Daha Barat, Daha Utara, wanted to get down to help extinguish the fire, but the Daha Barat Command Post asked some of them to stay on alert to antisipate if fire occur in other spot in Daha.
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SAM itself deployed two fleets of firefighters and one other unit especially to supply water with tank and 24 members. The company also provided food for volunteers who help put out the fire in the field.