Banjarmasin, S Kalimantan (ANTARA) - The Banjarmasin City Government through the Office of Nation Unity and Politics (Kesbangpol) has formed a task force for the national mental revolution movement involving many parties.
In the first meeting at the city hall on Wednesday, the Head of the National Unity and Political Agency Kasman explained the movement is to change the way of thinking, attitudes, behavior, and workings of the Indonesian people to refer to the values of integrity, ethos, and mutual cooperation based on Pancasila progress-oriented Indonesia to be a developed, modern, prosperous, and dignified country.
In other words, it can be referred to as the Indonesian Nation's New Life Movement which relies on three basic values, integrity, work ethic, and mutual cooperation.
According to him, this movement can be achieved if done seriously and gradually and requires a very long time.
Therefore task forces will be formed, such as the Indonesian serving movement, the clean Indonesian movement, the orderly Indonesian movement, the independent Indonesian movement, and the united Indonesian movement.
Each composition of the task force will be chaired by a chairman of the movement who will arrange various programs, said Kasman, who was accompanied by other Kesbangpol officials, Budiono and Didiet.