Barabai, S Kalimantan (Antaranews Kalsel) - Three districts, namely Central Hulu Sungai (HST), South Hulu Sungai (HSS) and Tapin received 2019 Budget Execution Lists (DIPA) from the Barabai State Treasury Service Office (KPPN) on Wednesday (26/12).
Head of KPPN Barabai Dayu Rusanto handed over the DIPA to officials of each district in the hall of the KPPN Barabai Office. At the same time, awards were given to the best government agencies and the best villages in the three districts.
Dayu explained that the DIPA in the scope of KPPN Barabai was set at IDR 633.75 billion with details of the DIPA authorizing regional offices totaling 86 amounting to IDR 630.25 billion and DIPA authorized by central office only one, namely for the construction of HST's infrastructure worth IDR 3.5 billion.
Next, funds transfer to regions (TK) and Village Funds (DD) in 2019 for HST are allocated IDR 1,047 trillion (TK IDR 920 billion and DD IDR 127.7 billion).
HSS received IDR 1,189 trillion (TK IDR 1.07 trillion and DD IDR 118.6 billion). While Tapin IDR 1,148 trillion (TK IDR 1,047 trillion and DD IDR100,8 billion).
"Submission of DIPA to each budget executor is carried out earlier, before 2019 begins. This is our joint commitment to ensure that the budget execution can be started on time," he said.
After signing the submission of the DIPA, awards were given to the village with the best performance. For HST to the Head of Awang Besar Village, Barabai Subdistrict, Abdurrahman and government agency with the highest budget performance value of IKPA 96.83 percent to the Binuang Agriculture Training Center received by Asni Kurniawati.