Kotabaru, S Kalimantan (AntaranewsKalsel) - Some people in the isles and the mainland of Kalimantan in Kotabaru, South Kalimantan, do not dare to travel home (mudik) through the sea because of high waves.
A resident of Kelumpang Tengah, Ummi Hadijah, in Kotabaru, told there was a high wave in recent days in the waters of Tanjung Dewa. As a result the speedboat had to be extra careful.
"I, my child, and my granddaughter in Pudi do not dare to use sea transportation, it's better to use land transportation because it's safer," she said.
Pudi residents, Abdullah, also said he was forced to use two-wheeled vehicles to go home to Kotabaru, because there is no public transportation available.
In addition to the bloated costs, the distance to Kotabaru must rotate further, so it takes almost six hours.
He realized that long-distance homecoming using two-wheeled vehicles is more risky than using public vessels. It should be more through the forest and oil palm plantations, so he must be more careful about the occurrence of flat tires or motorcycle damage in the middle of the forest.
The cost of a Pudi-Kotabaru speedboat journey with an hour distance is approximately Rp100,000 per person. While the cost by road over Rp200.000 one way.