Martapura, South Kalimantan 18/6 (AntaranewsKalsel) - A total of 908 inmates of the Karang Intan Narcotics Special Prison in Martapura, South Kalimantan, are proposed to receive remission in Eid al-Fitr 1438 Hijri.
The head of the Narcotics Special Prison Muhammad Hafil in Martapura said on Sunday that cut of sentence had been proposed to South Kalimantan Regional Office of Ministry of Law and Human Rights (Kanwil Kemenkumham).
"The proposal for 908 inmates to receive remission we have submitted to the Regional Office of Ministry of Law and Human Rights, so we just waiting for the determination through head of the regional office's decree," he said.
He said the decree usually issued one or two days before Eid al-Fitr, so the reduction in sentence to be given on the Muslim's big day.
Special remission is proposed to be given to prisoners unrelated with government regulation (PP) 28 and PP 29 with sentence below five years as many as 207 inmates and 34 who related to PP 28.
Then, remissions for PP 99 related prisoners amounted to 667, so the total number of inmates proposed to receive remission is 908 from a total of 1,310 inmates.
According to him, the remission to be given to 908 inmates is a Special Remission 1 (RK1), that recipients are not immediately free.
"All the prisoners only proposed to receive RK1, no one receives Special Remission 2 (RK2) which means released free from prison on Eid al-Fitr," he said.
He mentioned remissions given to hundreds of inmates varying between 15 days to 45 days depending on the duration of the sentence the prisoner had served.
The remission is given to the inmates if they are well behaved during the period of detention in prisons located in the District of Banjar.
"If well behaved during the period of detention and never make a mistake then he can be proposed to receive remission according to the regulations," he said.