Banjarmasin, South Kalimantan 8/4 (AntaranewsKalsel) - Water Police Unit (Satpolair) of the Banjarmasin City Police disseminating prevention of radicalism and anti-Pancasila to the Martapura river coastal communities.
"The event was held at the home of H. Adrian, resident of RT12 Selong Murung, East Banjarmasin," said Satpolair Chief Commissioner (Kompol) Untung Widodo MM Sst here, Saturday.
He said, socialization and counseling as one of the implementation of Quick Wins, a program to prevent the spread of radical organizations and anti-Pancasila.
Residents of the coastal rivers were asked not to engage in radical organizations and the anti-Pancasila and remain faithful to the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI).
In addition, residents of coastal rivers are also expected to quickly report if aware of any radical organizations or ideologies and anti-Pancasila in their respective areas.
After the socialization and counseling, youth representatives, community leaders, religious leaders, along with the Satpolair Chief Commissioner Untung Widodo signed declaration rejection of radical organizations and anti-Pancasila.