Balangan, South Kalimantan (AntaranewsKalsel) - Balangan Police in collaboration with members of South Kalimantan Regional Police managed to uncover the disappearance of a Lampihong Sub-district resident, female sex.
Yatni Fatmawati (31) alias Atni reported missing to Lampihong police on January 5, 2016 by M Rifani, victim's sister, after she was not found, and could not be contacted by the family and colleagues since December 11, 2015.
Police found the body of victim buried in the side of a house in the village of Hujan Mas RT04, Sub-district of Paringin, Thursday (14/1) around 14.00. The house was known to belong to Syahrudin alias Udin, who is known as her husband of a secret marriage.
Victims buried facedown or like prostrate and covered with a tarp, over the graves of victims also cemented.
After approximately two hours of digging, around 17:00 to 19:00, the body can be removed and taken to Balangan hospital for the purpose of autopsy.
Balangan Police Chief AKBP Sudrajad Hariwibowo said, around the victim's body found flip-flops also sprinkled with a lot of camphor.
Drajad said provisional estimates, the victims died because or murder. But police still not sure how the victim was killed.
"If the body found with such conditions, and the grave of victim also casted cement, yes strong suspicion that the victim was murdered, and the perpetrator tried to eliminate the traces," he explained.
One of the victim's family, Rahli (33), revealing the victim saying goodbye to family and friends to stay at Udin home, her secret husband, on Friday, December 11, 2015. Since then, the victim can no longer be contacted.