Banjarmasin, S Kalimantan (ANTARA) - South Kalimantan won the second overall champion of the XI Indonesian Sholeh Children Festival (FASI) in Palembang, South Sumatra, 24-27 March 2022.
The National FASI 2022 was closed by the State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs) Minister Erick Thohir at the Jakabaring Sport City, Palembang, Sunday. The Governor of South Sumatra Herman Deru and all chairmans of the Indonesian Mosque Youth Communication Board (BKPRMI) throughout Indonesia were all present to accompany.
"Alhamdulillah we won the 2nd place in the 11th FASI this year. We can maintain the tradition of winning the first for our children in the main competition of tilawah, tartil, and tahfidz Al Quran," Chairperson of the DPW (Regional Board) of BKPRMI South Kalimantan Ust. Fahrurazi noted in a press release receive here on Sunday.
South Kalimantan, he said, must be willing to be replaced by West Java carravan at the 2022 National FASI XI. "We are still proud of our children who have fought well and made achievements," he said.
Fahrurazi said that this success cannot be separated from the supportof South Kalimantan Governor Dr (HC) H Sahbirin Noor, Youth and Sport Agency, all chairman and the regional board of the South Kalimantan BKPRMI.
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The first winners of the XI FASI not only received trophies and coach money, they also received umrah prize for each competition and category from the central board of BKPRMI.
The ranking for the top 10 XI National FASI were first West Java (44 points), second South Kalimantan (40), South Sulawesi (31), South Sumatra (30), Aceh (27), East Java (25), East Kalimantan (22), West Nusa Tenggara (13), Central Kalimantan (13), and West Kalimantan (10).
South Kalimantan dispatched 41 participants to participate in 19 types of competitions with 34 champonship categories at the Al Quran Kindergarten (TKA), Al Quran EducationPark (TPA) and students of Ta'limul Quran Lil Aulad (TQA).
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