Banjarmasin, S Kalimantan (ANTARA) - Banjarmasin Mayor H Ibnu Sina asked residents not to panic over the enforcement of level 3 public activity restriction (PPKM) on the city.
Ibnu Sina acknowledged that Banjarmasin through the Instruction of the Home Affairs Minister (Inmendagri) have been declared to be in the status of level 3 PPM as of today.
"We follow what's in the Inmendagri regarding the level 3 PPKM," he said at the campus of Banjarmasin State Polytechnic (Poliban), Tuesday.
President Joko Widodo, he said, also has instructed through his instruction that the establishment of PPKM should not make people panic in the handling of COVID-19.
He encouraged people to stay complying with the health protocols, including with the regulation of face-to-face meeting at the public space that require only 50 percent of the capacity.
Read also: Omicron detected in Banjarmasin
Read also: Ministry presses for genome sequencing to confirm Omicron infection
"The COVID-19's new variant of Omicron has a fast transmission, but also recover quickly. We hope that as the Rector of University of Lambung Mangkurat (ULM) said Omicron is the end of the pandemic," Ibnu Sina said.
According to him, his latest instruction is disseminate the implementation of level 3 PPKM in which the main step is accelerating COVID-19 vaccination.
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