Kotabaru, South Kalimantan (ANTARA) - The Task Force of the 123rd TNI Integrated Village Development (TMMD) worked together with community in Talusi Village, Pamukan Selatan Sub-district, Kotabaru, to build bathing, washing, and toilet facilities (locally known as MCK).
The 123rd TMMD is a development program organized by the 1004/Kotabaru District Military Command (Kodim).
Commander of the Task Force (Dansatgas) Lt. Col. Inf. Bayu Oktavianto Sudibyo said they implemented gotong royong or mutual assistance culture as a form of concern and cooperation between TNI (armed forces) and the community.
Read also: Kotabaru's 123rd TMMD, villagers gotong-royong clean up mosque
"We have to work together and help each other to improve the quality of our life. Gotong royong is a real example of cooperation," he said.
The Talusi Village community was enthusiastic and excited in carrying out the gotong royong. They worked together with 123rd TMMD Task Force to build better and more comfortable MCKs.
"We are very grateful for this mutual cooperation. We hope this activity can help improve our quality of life," said one of Talusi Village residents, Utuh.
Thus, the gotong royong activity of building MCKs or toilets by 123rd TMMD Task Force together with the Talusi Village community is expected to help improve the quality of life of the community and improving public facilities in the village.
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