Paringin, S Kalimantan (ANTARA) - PT Pama Persada handed out 11 thousand face masks for Balangan District and donated IDR100 million for the construction of the Istana Anak Yatim orphanage in the district.
CSR Manager of PAMA Jobsite Adaro Uno Karno here on Mondy said that this is a tangible manifestation of the company's commitment to supporting the government through the Task Force for Acceleration Handling of COVID-19 in Balangan.
Especially at this time, he said, the spread of COVID-19 is ongoing and it is the role of all parties to preventing it.
The company hopes that the assistance can help the Balangan government to stem the spread of COVID-19.
Related news: Balangan now in level 3 restriction
In addition, the assistance worth IDR100 million for Istana Anak Yatim is also a form of the company's participation in the development of Balangan.
"The fund assistance for the construction of Istana Anak Yatim in Balangan is our participation in realizing the vision and mission of the regional head in building Istana Anak Yatim,” he said.
Deputy Regent Supiani said that the assistance of PT Pama Persada was a form of togetherness and mutual assistance (gotong royong) from all components of society, including the industrial world, in fighting against the COVID-19 outbreak.
“We will distribute these masks directly to the community. Technical distribution will be arranged by the Balangan,” COVID-19 Handling Task Force team," he said.
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