Banjarbaru, S Kalimantan (ANTARA) - Banjarbaru Mayor H M Aditya Mufti Ariffin confirmed that the city is still waiting for the Ministry of Home Affairs' evaluation regarding the status of level 3 PPKM, which apparently Banjarbaru was not included in the instruction.
"We are still waiting for an evaluation from the Ministry of Home Affairs. The plan is it will be announced on July 26 whether Banjarbaru enters or not in the status of level 3 PPKM, We hope it will not," he said in Banjarbaru, Thursday.
He explained that level 3 status was previously determined after a video conference with President Joko Widodo, Monday (July 19) where the city entered a dangerous level of COVID-19 infection.
Furthermore, the government decision through the National Economic and COVID-19 Recovery Committee (KPC-PEN) was followed up with the city government meeting with Forkopimda.
"The meeting decided that Banjarbaru would implement PPKM level 3 from July 21 to 31, 2021 or ten days with previously stipulated restriction," he said.
Later, an instruction from the Minister of Home Affairs was issued stating that Banjarbaru was not included in the KPC-PEN announcement and the information was confirmed to the South Kalimantan acting Governor to make sure.
"The results of our confirmation to the acting Governor was that the announcement that included Banjarbaru in the status of level 3 PPKM is still being evaluated and asked to wait for certainty after July 25, 2021," said the Mayor.
Read also: Banjarmasin in level 2 PPKM, face-to-face learning still allowed
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