Kotabaru, South Kalimantan (AntaranewsKalsel) - Mekar Putih Port in West Pulaulaut, Kotabaru District, will be the harbor master to support the Kotabaru's Special Economic Zones.
"Today Mekar Putih became public port and is still used for loading and unloading of coal mining," said Head of Kotabaru Regional Development Planning Board (Bappeda), Dr. H Ansyar Noor, here on Thursday.
In addition to infrastructure and infrastructure support, he said, Mekar Putih port also built in the waters deep enough more than 30 meters making it possible for domestic and internation large cargo ships and not in other areas in South Kalimantan.
Kotabaru in recent years begin to focus on realizing the desire for a SEZ. Kotabaru also expect to be one of regions in Indonesia appointed as a SEZ.
With the hard work that synergized with local potential, West Pulaulaut, Kotabaru, very worthy of being one of the five designated areas into SEZ.
Among Kotabaru's advantage that no other region has, Pulaulaut is part of the Indonesian archipelagic sea lanes (ALKI) II, which has a navigation channel of international trade.
Kotabaru have sufficient sea lanes in which about 20-30 feet so it can be visited by ships weighing up to 200 thousand metric tons.
In South Kalimantan province there are three districts proposed to be a SEZ, including Kotabaru and Tanah Bumbu, but now remaining Kotabaru.
For consideration, Kotabaru prepare the land around 5,000 hectares for the program of SEZ, including for the port and international industry.