On behalf of the Central Hulu Sungai (HST) District, Regent HA Chairansyah received a malaria-free certificate from Health Minister Nila Farid Moeloek witnessed by Home Affairs Minister Tjahjo Kumolo at the commemoration of World Malaria Day (HMS) in Denpasar Bali, Monday (13/5).

Beside HST, 10 districts and cities also obtained the award, namely Central Lampung, East Luwu, Bungo, Muaro Jambi, East Tanjung Jabung, West Tanjung Jabung, Kebumen, Cilacap, Toli Toli, and West Aceh.

HST was the only one in Kalimantan to receive the award.

Meanwhile, all governors of Java and Bali were also present at the event as a commitment to prevent malaria by carrying the theme "Free Malaria Achievement of the Nation".

The regent said that he received a malaria-free award due to the policies of the HST Government which does not carry out coal mining and oil palm cultivation in his area.

Water puddles produced from excavation become one of the breeding grounds for mosquito seedlings. Non-mining policies are also a form of seriousness in preventing the development of malaria.

Chairansyah was also grateful for the role of the ulama, the community, religious organizations, NGOs that have supported the policies he has been doing so far.

Also the hard work of the Health Office, the Agriculture Service, the Environmental Agency and other cross-sectoral agencies those are always in synergy, until the HST is free from malaria. 

Pewarta: M Taupik Rahman

Editor : Mahdani

COPYRIGHT © ANTARA News Kalimantan Selatan 2019