Banjarbaru, S Kalimantan (AntaranewsKalsel) - The South Kalimantan Police's Directorate of Drug Investigation (Ditresnarkoba) conducted urine test on pilots and crew at Syamsudin Noor Airport in Banjarbaru, on Friday morning.
"This impromtu urine test is done to make sure there are no pilots and crews indicated to be using drugs," explained Director of Drug Investigation Sr Comr Police (Kombespol) Muhammad Firman.
A total of 43 people consisting of pilots and crew of aircraft from various airlines were checked. In fact, there are seven drivers of public transport that often hung at the airport also tested.
Officers from the South Kalimantan Police Doctor's Division carefully dipped a drug test kit to determine whether or not there were six banned substances, amphetamine, cocaine, opiates, marijuana, methamphetamine and benzodiazephine.
"Alhamdulilah, all the results are negative. No one is indicated to consume drugs," Firman, who was accompanied by Head of Bin Opsnal Adj Sr Comr (AKBP) Daryanto and Kasubdit II AKBP Andi A, declared.
He revealed the urine test is in support of the smooth flow of homecoming (mudik) tradition, namely the safety of passengers is guaranteed in the absence of a pilot being influenced by drugs substances.
While Syamsudin Airport Operations Manager Rully Artha Noor thanked the Ditresnarkoba initiative to conduct urine tests in the airport environment.