Banjarmasin, S Kalimatan (ANTARA) - South Kalimantan Governor H Sabirin Noor or popularly called Uncle Birin stated that his government has readied four strategies in facing land and forest fires in 2024.
The governor's explaination of the strategies was conveyed in the presentation of the Chief Executive of the province's Disaster Mitigation Agency (BPBD) Raden Surya Fadliansyah at a coordination meeting to verify forest and land fires problems held by the Coodinating Ministry for Political, Legal and Security Affairs (Kemenko Polhukam) in Banjarmasin, Thursday (March 21, 2024).
The four, he said, including strengthening regulation, enhancing HR capacity, improvement of facilities and infrastructure, and strengthening collaboration.
"Regarding facilities and infrastructure, I have given my attention to related agencies to improve or increase them in areas prone to potential fires," Raden Suria expounded.
All related agencies (SKPDs) have programed many activities this year, he said, such as PUPR for making tabat, river normalization, and providing education on disaster mitigation.
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"Alhamdulillah, efforts to mitigate land and forest fires in South Kalimantan were greatly helped by collaboration with TNI/Polri, private sector, the central government and all elements," he said.
In the coordination meeting chaired by Brigadier General Desman S Tarigan, Assistant Deputy 4 for Security and Public Order of the Ministry, attended by South Kalimantan Leadership Communication Forum, LHK Ministry, BMKG, BNPB, Peatland and Mangrove Restoration Agency, Uncle Birin reminded that efforts to prevent forest and land fires are the most important step.
The same thing was expressed by Desman S Tarigan as is stipulated in Presidential Instruction No. 3 of 2020 which mandated that all from center to the regions to conduct prevention from forest and land fires.
“Prevention is what must be prioritized. Weak prevention (will cause) fires to occur. It is prevention that is expected not to reach extinguishing and handling efforts,“ said Desman
The Kemenko Polhukam in Presidential Instruction No.3 of 2000 concerning forest and land fires was given the task of coordinating policies, ministries/agencies, and carrying out monitoring and evaluation regarding efforts to overcome forest and land fires.
Related news: Forest and land fires reach 1,437 hectares in South Kalimantan: BPBD