Banjarbaru, South Kalimantan (ANTARA) - The Penitentiary of Banjarbaru, South Kalimantan, carried out Active Case Finding Tuberculosis (TBC) screening to as many as 1,901 inmates to prevent transmission of the disease.
Head of Banjarbaru Penitentiary Amico Balalembang here on Wednesday said the screening is held to follow-up circular from Director of Directorate of Health and Rehabilitation Treatment of the Directorate General of Correctional (Dirwatkeshab Ditjenpas) Ministry of Law and Human Right (Kemenkumham) No. PAS.06-PK.06.07-710.
"The circular concerning TB screening with chest X-ray intervention aims to optimize the number of active and massive TB case detection in communal group that are at high risk/vulnerable to transmission/spread, esecially in prison/detention house," Amico expounded.
The activities are carried out for 10 days from Tuesday (August 15) at the penitentiary field supported by the Banjarbaru Health Office through Cempaka Inpatient Community Health Center and Tirta Medical Center (TMC) Banjarmasin with a target of 1,901 inmates.
It was begun with symptom screening, then screening with chest X-Ray (CXR) intervention.
"If the X-ray results indicate TB, then continue with Molecular Rapit Test (TCM) or sputum sample taken for further treatment," he said.
Amico admitted that TB is a health threat that is prone to occur in the penitentiary. One of the cause is overcrowded condition that force them to live together for a long time.
Banjarbaru Prison prepares a special room separately as an isolation room for inmates who tested positive for TB.
"If positive for TB, an inmate will be placed in an isolation room for further treatment to prevent transmission to other inmates. Hopefully this prevention efforts will run safely and smoothly," he hoped.
Head of Disease Prevention and Control (P2P) of the Banjarbaru Health Office Erni Syafrida Noor said that TB is a potentially serious infectious bacterial disease, primarily affecting lungs.
"TB screening is very important for at-risk groups such as inmates in prison. Although it can be cured, but if it is detected too late, treatment will be slower. Because it needs inspection medical diagnosis to determine whether a person is infected with TB bacteria or not," she said.
Meanwhile, screening was not only carried out at the Banjarbaru Penitentiary, but also at 374 penitentiaries, detention houses, and Child Special Correctional Facilities (LPKA) under the coordination of 33 Regional Offices of Kemenkumham (Law and Human Rights Ministry).
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