Banjarmasin, South Kalimantan (AntaranewsKalsel) - Head of the National Land Agency (BPN) Regional Office of South Kalimantan Dadang Suhendi ensures that Syamsudin Noor Airport land compensation has been completed and development will begin in April 2016.
Dadang, after the opening of socialization of strategic policy and program of the Ministry of Agrarian and Land/all- Kalimantan Land Agencies in Banjarmasin, said the whole compensation, either given directly or through consignment, has been completed.
"85 percent of the land compensaion was held directly to landowners, and the rest through consignment," he said.
That is, the issue of Syamsudin Noor airport land for the expansion will be no more problems, and the project can be started immediately without any problem of land compensation.
On the persistence of the demands and multiple certificates as received from the public, he said, will be examined. If the certificate is valid, it will be taken into account. Otherwise, it will be resolved through legal channels.
These problems, he said, will not affect the airport expansion development process which was delayed until today.
Area of ​​land acquired for the development of the airport is 101.1 hectares, composed of community land 96.18 hectares and 4.94 hectares of public facilities. The number of fields that have been released 769.136 square meters of land completed on consignment covering an area of ​​192.686 hectares.
Expansion development of Syamsudin Noor, which the laying of the first stone done by Vice President Jusuf Kalla on Monday (18/5) in 2015, is estimated to cost 2.3 trillion.
edited by mahdani