Martapura, S Kalimantan (ANTARA) - Banjar Regent Saidi Mansyur opened what he called as the long waited Ramadhan Cake Fair, that offered the delicacy of Banjarese traditional cakes __after two years suspended by the COVID-19 pandemic.
"Ramadan Cake Fair that offer Banjarese traditional cakes (that should be present every year) is of course has been eagerly waited for a long time by our people, because we don't find it outside Ramadan," the regent said.
Banjarese specialties are always attracted people and the regent said them as the object of cultural advancement with traditional knowledge that should be preserved and re-digged as a cultural asset of Banjar.
"I hope that this cake fair during Ramadan to be driving the people's economy with abundant of transaction and other economic activities around the location." he said.
The regent was accompanied by Deputy Regent Said Idrus Al-Habsyie, Forkopimda, Banjar Regional Secretary. Some government officials and invitees also attended the opening at the Plaza (Alun-alun) of Ratu Zalecha, Martapura.
A total 40 booths were prepared by the Youth, Sports, Culture and Tourism Office (Disporabudpar) occupied by traders selling special food and drinks for iftar (breaking fast).
The office also prepared a number of doorprizes for traders, including refrigerator, LCD tv, and BMX bycle.