Banjarmasin, S Kalimantan (ANTARA) - As many as 6,600 residents of Banjarmasin were vaccinated against COVID-19 on Saturday (June 26, 2021) in what so-called Pekan Gebyar Vaksinasi COVID-19 held at several points in the city.
"There are several points of vaccinations which are held in the synergy of TNI (military), Polri (police), and the local government," said Banjarmasin Police Chief Sr Comr Rachmat Hendrawan here, Saturday.
He said the actual target of vaccination was 6,000 people, but at the end of the implementation, it was recorded 6,600 residents have been vaccinated against COVID-19.
"Residents in the city seem enthusiastic about participating in the vaccination," he said.
He detailed that the vaccination was held at the Hassanudin Gymnasium (GOR) where 1,350 people were vaccinated, at Mahligai Pancasila 1,635, at Sultan Suriansyah Building 2,291, at the South Kalimantan Police's Mathilda Building 600, and 724 people vaccinated at the military hospital of TPT Dr. R. Soeharsono.
"I thank all the people of Banjarmasin who support the government's program in stopping the spread of COVID-19 by participating in vaccination today," he said when he and the Forkopimda (Leadership Communication Forum) of Banjarmasin City reviewing the implementation of the mass vaccination.
The Police Chief appealed to the people of the City of a Thousand Rivers to immediately register if there is an opportunity of free vaccination, while it is still free of charge.
Vaccination is to increase immunity. Don't believe hoaxes and slanted assumptions about it. Continue to apply 5M, namely washing hands, wearing masks, maintaining distance, avoid crowds, and limiting mobility.
"Keep applying health protocols when you leave the house and always adopt a healthy lifestyle. Don't forget to exercise and eat healthy food," the Police Chief, who is of South Kalimantan origin, urged.