Kandangan, S Kalimantan (ANTARA) - Deputy Regent of South Hulu Sungai (HSS) Syamsuri Arsyad said he welcomed the concern and attention of the people conveyed through environment organization, especially related to the murky condition of Amandit River, which is considered disturbing. He said he would immediately follow it up.
"We have conducted meetings and coordination in efforts to handle the water quality of the Amandit River. Likewise, we have requested the commitment of sand miners to obey rules and protect the environment," he remarked here.
In the last meeting with the miners, especially sand miners, it was agreed that rules must be obeyed. While sanctions for violations are the authority of law enforcer. He said he had directly come to ask the commitment of several sand miners.
The result of the second meeting has been submitted in writing, including to PT Antang Gunung Meratus (AGM), which was not present. Coordination continues to be carried out, including with the District Leadership Communication Forum (Forkopimda) and the Provincial Government of South Kalimantan.
Previously, representatives of the HSS Amandit River Care Forum (Forlisa HSS) came to the local Legislative Council (DPRD), to express their concern and complaints about the condition of the river.
Chairman of Forlisa Syarifur Rahman in Kandangan, Wednesday (26/2), said they represented some people who felt anxiety because of the inconvenience of the murky condition of Amandit River, which is the pride of the district.
"We are encouraged to go to HSS DPRD because we have seen the performance of the Amandit River handling Forum formed by the local government. There have been two coordination meetings, but the result has not been maximized," he said.
In general, they asked for a solution to the right handling, until the problem can be resolved properly and the water condition could be clean again.
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Amandit River is still experiencing turbidity, allegedly as the impact of sand mining activities as well as coal around the river. The anxiety and complaints became a trend on social media by voicing "Save Amandit".
HSS DPRD Speaker H Akhmad Fahmi said, he had listened to the aspirations expressed and had discussed with them. Later the DPRD, in accordance with its supervisory function, will carry out a work meeting.
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According to him, survey on the condition of the Amandit River will invite related agencies to jointly handle water quality. This joint effort is expected to be worth worship for the benefit of the HSS people, especially the Amandit River channel.
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