Barabai, S Kalimantan (ANTARA) - The District Government of Central Hulu Sungai (HST) continued to run its scholarship program by providing financial assistance to six underprivileged students but excel in academics to continue their education at the Faculty of Medicine, Lambung Mangkurat University.
"The program is one of the district government mission to improve human resource (SDM) quality which covers the field of health and education," said the Head of HST Board of People Welfare (Kesra) H Akhmadi in Barabai, Saturday (Oct 12, 2019).
He said, previously the government had granted scholarship for 19 students, namely two for the class of 2014, three in 2015, five for the class of 2016, and nine in 2018.
"This year it realized for six students, thus we have met the target of 25 scholarship recipients for the Faculty of Medicine, Lambung Mangkurat University," Akhmadi remarked.
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Meanwhile, HST Regent H A Chairansyah acknowledged that the government so far has not yet provided a maximum health service for its residents. The main cause is the district still lack of doctors, espeially for public health centers (puskesmas).
"To deal with the lack of doctors, we in the beginning of (former Regent) H Abdul Latif made a policy to provide scholarship for students in HST who passed the submission in the faculty of medicine five students for each year. Thus in five years of our leadership we have produce 25 local doctors," the regent stated.
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Other reason, Chairansyah added, doctors in the district were on average not HST natives. The result is, on holidays, especially on Eids, puskesmas, even hospital, have no doctors, because they were on leave, went home, or other reasons. While people who seek health treatment found difficulties.
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"Through the Dokter Banua (local doctor) program it is expected health service for public will be maximum, as the recipient of scholarship required to return to HST to dedicate in their own origin. It just like we plant tree and the fruit is for the people of HST," he concluded.