Banjarmasin, S Kalimantan (ANTARA) - Minister of Environment and Forestry (LHK) Dr Siti Nurbaya Bakar said that she greatly appreciated the establishment of the Forest Products Marketing Center (PPHH) of the South Kalimantan Forest Agency.
In her working visit to Banjarmasin on Monday, Siti Nurbaya remarked PPHH is one proof that South Kalimantan has the potential and innovation of developing non-timber forest products that are quite successful.
"So far, many have said that we have forest products, but have never shown which potential. In South Kalimantan this has been shown and is very good," she said.
Siti Nurbaya revealed, PPHH is the actualization of various potential forest products in South Kalimantan and these efforts are very good for other regions to follow.
"I don't really like talking about potential, because actualization is far more important, and it has been done by South Kalimantan," she pointed out.
Siti Nurbaya said, some crafts that raise local wisdom, such as purun craft to replace plastic bags, are also one of the great potentials to continue to be developed.
LHK Minister Dr. Siti Nurbaya Bakar, accompanied by South Kalimantan Forestry Agency Head Hanif Faisol reviewed the Forest Products Marketing Center (PPHH).