Head of Prevention Sub-division of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Azril Zah appreciated the Provincial Government of South Kalimantan, including South Hulu Sungai (HSS), for achieving the target in preventing corruption.

"Including HSS government which in 2021 has scored 94.54 and ranked 17th nationally in corruption prevention," he pointed out.

He was speaking at Coordination Meeting for the 2022 Monitoring Performance Achievement Program and Thematic Activities in the regions of Yogjakarta and South Kalimantan which was also attended by HSS Regional Secretary H. Muhammad Noor virtually, Tuesday.

The Provincial Secretary Roy Rizali Anwar said this monitoring program should be a priority for discussion in order to build an integrated corruption prevention efforts.

According to him, this is very crucial in term of regional development, especially to realize people welfare, because the effectivity and efficiency of the development program is of course directly related to the success of efforts to prevent corruption.

The coordination meeting was held in order to realize good, transparent, and accountable governance with the agenda focused on the process of submitting Special Allocation Fund (DAK), procurement of good/services (PBJ) from the DAK, and optimalization of Surpace Water Tax (PAP).

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Pewarta: Fathurrahman

Editor : Mahdani

COPYRIGHT © ANTARA News Kalimantan Selatan 2022