The Ministry of Finance has invited the younger generation to educate themselves about the sharia economy in order to encourage inclusive national sharia economic growth.
"We invite the creative, intelligent young generation in Indonesia to be educated about the sharia economy from an early age, starting from an interest in studying Islamic economy and finance to conducting various research and developments," expert staff for macroeconomics and international finance of the Minister of Finance, Wempi Saputra, said at the 'Development of Indonesia's Economic & Islamic Finance' webinar on Tuesday.
Quality human resources are essential to strengthen the foundation of the sharia economy so that Indonesia can become the leading producer in the global halal industry, he added.
Through the National Committee for Islamic Economy and Finance (KNEKS), the government has designated four sharia ecosystem clusters, namely commercial finance, social finance, halal industries, and public communities, he informed.
"These four clusters support various business fields among the community—from ultra-micro businesses to corporations. This demand ecosystem needs support from human resources, research and development regulations, and digital technology," he expounded.
Related news: President upbeat about Indonesian sharia economy's prospects
Therefore, for the period from 2022 to 2024, the government has developed a structured program to develop talents from pre-school to higher education levels gradually, he said.
The program covers the quality of education and supporting aspects such as improving teaching materials in textbooks, increasing teaching competency, and the curriculum, he informed.
The government will also expand the professional certification program on Islamic economy to support the sharia finance and economic ecosystem, he said.
"The increasing needs of workers who are skilled in the Islamic economy has caused training and certification programs to be needed by workers who do not come from an Islamic economy and financial education background," he explained.
Related news: Govt seeking to expand sharia economy market share
Editor : Mahdani
COPYRIGHT © ANTARA News Kalimantan Selatan 2021