Banjarmasin Mayor H Ibnu Sina has set a prolongation of the Large Scale Social Restriction (PSBB) until May 31 to break the transmission of the news Coronavirus disease or COVID-19 in the city.
"After considering the policy of the central government, as well as the national emergency response until May 30, we extend the PSBB in Banjarmasin for only 10 days, until May 31, 2020," he said in a press statement, Thursday night.
According to him, the implementation of phase 2 PSBB was ended on May 21 and continued to (phase 3) until May 31, 2020 with the hope to detect the transmission rate in the field.
He expected, with the prolongation of PSBB, public obedience would further be increased to follow the rules in health procedures to avoid the COVID-19 virus.
Ibnu Sina also stated, the PSBB in phase 3 will be more improved, including by empowering neighborhood units (RT) and community units (RW) in accordance with Article 18 of the Mayor Regulation in implementing PSBB in the city.
"In the PSBB a small-scale PSBB will be applied. We ask for more community participation," he said.
Including, he said, every housing complex is required to limit the entry and exit, let alone people from outside, so as not to be free.
"I also ask sub-district heads, urban village chiefs, and Babinkamtibmas (public order police officer) to empower the community so all protect their territories," Ibnu Sina insisted.
COPYRIGHT © ANTARA News Kalimantan Selatan 2020
"After considering the policy of the central government, as well as the national emergency response until May 30, we extend the PSBB in Banjarmasin for only 10 days, until May 31, 2020," he said in a press statement, Thursday night.
According to him, the implementation of phase 2 PSBB was ended on May 21 and continued to (phase 3) until May 31, 2020 with the hope to detect the transmission rate in the field.
He expected, with the prolongation of PSBB, public obedience would further be increased to follow the rules in health procedures to avoid the COVID-19 virus.
Ibnu Sina also stated, the PSBB in phase 3 will be more improved, including by empowering neighborhood units (RT) and community units (RW) in accordance with Article 18 of the Mayor Regulation in implementing PSBB in the city.
"In the PSBB a small-scale PSBB will be applied. We ask for more community participation," he said.
Including, he said, every housing complex is required to limit the entry and exit, let alone people from outside, so as not to be free.
"I also ask sub-district heads, urban village chiefs, and Babinkamtibmas (public order police officer) to empower the community so all protect their territories," Ibnu Sina insisted.
Editor : Mahdani
COPYRIGHT © ANTARA News Kalimantan Selatan 2020