By Yose Rizal
Banjarbaru, South Kalimantan (Antaranews) - Head of Agricultural Quarantine Class I Banjarmasin, Sri Hanum, suggests closing poultry traffic in and out of South Kalimantan to prevent the spread of bird flu.
"Our advice, South Kalimantan provincial government to temporarily shut down poultry traffic in and out to
successfully handled cases of bird flu to subside," she said in Banjarbaru on Monday.
The temporary closure of traffic must be followed by the control of poultry traffic in more stringent checks point,
in addition to outreach to stakeholders.
She explains, supervision and socialization should be supported by related agencies in every district and city, so
the spread of Avian Influenza (AI) and the outbreak in South Kalimantan can be minimized.
Quarantine Banjarmasin has done dissemination of adult poultry movement from outside island, especially Java, to
prevent the spread of AI.
She mentioned quite a lot of cases of ships passengers in the port of Trisakti Banjarmasin who brought in hand Bangkok chicken unofficially, thus facilitating the entry of poultry to the province. Whereas the objects' health condition unknown.
Quarantine had put its officer at the entrance of the Port of Trisakti Banjarmasin as well as Syamsudin Noor Airport
that it can withstand poultry, including wiping if not include official documents.
"Strict inspection at the Port of Trisakti performed. If found unhealthy birds could be denied entry, while birds
that go through the airport must be completed with document," she said.
Head of South Kalimantan Animal Husbandry Agency, Sabrie Madani, said it will run the advice, in addition to taking strategic steps to prevent the spread of bird flu in the province.
Previously, he declared bird flu alert following the death of thousands of ducks that were positive of AI in four
districts namely Tanah Laut, Central Hulu Sungai, South Hulu Sungai and North Hulu Sungai.
Editor : Mahdani
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