By Yose Rizal

Banjarbaru, South Kalimantan (Antaranews) - Banjarbaru city  Public Order Security Agency (Satpol PP) personnel seized hundreds of liters of tuak (local alcoholic beverages).

Head of Banjarbaru Satpol PP Masjuddin on Wednesday said, the hundreds of tuak owned by three residents, who allegedly became intoxicating beverage dealers.

"There are three people as the owner of the tuak. They process and sell tuak to buyers who come to their mills in Jalan Budi Waluyo, Sungai Ulin Village," he said.

The three owners of tuak that led to the Satpol PP station are HS (49) who has 400 liters of tuak, which is stored in dozens of plastic drums and some jerry cans.

Then, Mrs TS (54) as the owner of 150 liters of tuak and SH (39) which has a 20 liter tuak and allegedly already sold most of his beverage before Satpol PP personnel came.

According to him, the three owners of hundreds liters of tuak were subject to Banjarbaru City rules violation No. 5 of 2006 on the prohibition of selling alcoholic beverages. Criminal threats a maximum of three months or a maximum fine of Rp50 million . 2 *** ***


Editor : Asmuni Kadri

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