The long dry season causes water crisis everywhere in the country, but it doe not for people living in Bumi Asih Village, Kelumpang Utara Sub-district, Kotabaru. The village's retention basins (embung) have abundant of water supply for about 500 families or residents.
Chief of the village Supardi said, two of six reservoirs in the village each measuring 40X50 meter with a depth of 8 meter were known to have large enough supply.
"Insya Allah (God Willing) it would be enough to distribute to all residents of Bumi Asih for several months ahead until rainy season comes," he remarked.
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He acknowledged, not all residents of the village, which consist of six neighborhood units (RT), have water pump and installation to connect their house to the reservoir. So, they have to transport the water from the reservoir to the house.
Village officials together with RT chieves then initiated a breakthrough in water service for residents by involving village owned company and Mulia Bhakti youth group.
Two truck each carrying water tank with a capasity of 5,500 liter water
then supply water from 4.00 p.m. to 4.00 a.m. all free for residents, especially who don't have water pump.
The routine is carried out alternately by young people and village official after their work and it has been going on since the dry season as residents well were getting dry.
Read also: Ministry awards Kotabaru with 2019 Wahana Tata Nugraha
Meanwhile, the DPRD Kotabaru speaker Syairi Mukhlis acknowledged to be proud to know a village whose apparatus and residents very synergized and creative to overcome the problems in the community.
"On behalf of myself and and institution (Legislative/DPRD), I am very proud of the Bumi Asih Village apparatus and community elements to be able to get along well together in dealing with the problems experienced by residents, where some Kotabaru people have difficulty getting clean water, but not for Bumi Asih residents," said Syairi.
COPYRIGHT © ANTARA News Kalimantan Selatan 2019
Chief of the village Supardi said, two of six reservoirs in the village each measuring 40X50 meter with a depth of 8 meter were known to have large enough supply.
"Insya Allah (God Willing) it would be enough to distribute to all residents of Bumi Asih for several months ahead until rainy season comes," he remarked.
Read also: Govt disburses economic assistance to Hampang, Kotabaru
Read also: Kotabaru cooperates with Tanah Bumbu to overcome lack of doctors
He acknowledged, not all residents of the village, which consist of six neighborhood units (RT), have water pump and installation to connect their house to the reservoir. So, they have to transport the water from the reservoir to the house.
Village officials together with RT chieves then initiated a breakthrough in water service for residents by involving village owned company and Mulia Bhakti youth group.
Two truck each carrying water tank with a capasity of 5,500 liter water
then supply water from 4.00 p.m. to 4.00 a.m. all free for residents, especially who don't have water pump.
The routine is carried out alternately by young people and village official after their work and it has been going on since the dry season as residents well were getting dry.
Read also: Ministry awards Kotabaru with 2019 Wahana Tata Nugraha
Meanwhile, the DPRD Kotabaru speaker Syairi Mukhlis acknowledged to be proud to know a village whose apparatus and residents very synergized and creative to overcome the problems in the community.
"On behalf of myself and and institution (Legislative/DPRD), I am very proud of the Bumi Asih Village apparatus and community elements to be able to get along well together in dealing with the problems experienced by residents, where some Kotabaru people have difficulty getting clean water, but not for Bumi Asih residents," said Syairi.
Editor : Mahdani
COPYRIGHT © ANTARA News Kalimantan Selatan 2019