Kotabaru, South Kalimantan (ANTARA) - The District Government of Kotabaru, South Kalimantan, held the 2024 Kotabaru Stunting Reduction Acceleration Team (TPPS) coordination meeting.
Assistant for Government and People's Welfare H Minngu Basuki said the meeting was to evaluate the extent of program implementation, activities and budget used, wether the target had been achieved.
"Also to find out the constraints and problems in the district level, sub-district, and village in supporting the national program to lower stunting prevalence to 14%," he said in Kotabaru, last Thursday.
Meanwhile, the existing problem which is a determining factor is the prevalence of stunting in Kotabaru now (2024) stands at 20.1% with a food security index of 80.5%.
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According to Minggu Basuki, stunting closely related with extreme poverty and family's poor economy.
For this reason, it is necessary to provide additional food assistance for toddlers and pregnant women, social assistance, food assistance, BPJS Kesehatan or providing health insurance, as well as use of home yard and education on balanced nutrition for pregnant women and toddlers.
"I highly appreciate all parties involve in TPPS coordination meeting related to monitoring and evaluation of stunting prevention and reduction acceleration in Kotabaru. I hope that every government working unit (SKPD) can carry it out well with full responsibility," he said.
Head of the Kotabaru Women Empowerment, Child Protection and Family Planning Office (DP3AKB) Sri Sulistyani expounded that the real actions resulting from TPPS cordination meeting were carrying out simultaneous intevention handling in Kotabaru, utilizing village fund as well as monitoring and evaluation in the sub-district, including locus villages.
TPPS in several sub-districts are beginning to become active, KRS (families at risk of stunting) data are still not socialized and utilized according to the mandate of Presidential Decree (Perpres) 72 of 2021, and human resources in sub-districts and villages need capacity building and financial support.
Read also: Kotabaru's puskesmas provides psychological counseling for pregnant women, prevents stunting