Banjarmasin, S Kalimantan (AntaranewsKalsel) - South Kalimantan Governor Sahbirin Noor said he strongly supports and encourages the growth of Tahfiz Al Quran educational institutions in the province, because it is believed to be able to become a stronghold against global culture and drug addiction.
According to the Governor, he was very proud and grateful with the growing development of memorizing Al Quran educational institutions. "Tahfiz Al Quran education institutions should be encouraged to be more advanced and enhanced its role in society," he said in Banjarmasin, Sunday.
Especially in the present era, society, including children, must be fortified with positive education considering many of the threats facing, including the misuse of social media, and the abuse of narcotics and illegal drugs.
"I believe the Tahfiz children will be able to fortify themselves from these various threats," he said.
Even its existence is believed will become a lantern of life, both for the environment of the surrounding community, state and nation, so the local government is obliged to provide support for Tahfiz Al Quran education institution.
During Ramadan 1439 hijri, the Governor makes around trip to various regions, to greet the community including to various mosques in the area.
Every day, the governor performs the Isha prayers and tarawih in congregation, as well as follow the Al-Quran recitation, sahur, and iftar with the people.
The Governor's efforts, received an enthusiastic welcome from various components of society.
"Alhamdulillah we have a regional head who likes to read Al Quran fluently, even he took time to follow Al-Quran recitation with the people after Isha prayers and tarawih. This is one of good exemplary," said H Irhamsyah Safari, Chairman of the Board of Qaryah Thayyibah Mosque Management, HKSN Permai Housing Complex, North Banjarmasin, some time ago.
Previously, the Governor also having sahur meal with hundreds of tahfiz students who entered the quarantine process during the month of Ramadan.
According to Qaryah Thayyibah Tahfiz House Chief, Taufiqurrahman, since three years ago the education of reading and memorizing Al Quran is opened. There are already 25 people who have been able to memorize the Al-Quran by 30 Juz.